function dates_display($date_format1, $date_format2, $date_str) { $base_struc = preg_split( '/[-\.\:\/ ]/', $date_format1); $date_str_parts = preg_split( '/[-\.\:\/ ]/', $date_str ); // print_r( $base_struc ); echo "\n"; // for testing // print_r( $date_str_parts ); echo "\n"; // for testing $date_elements = array(); $p_keys = array_keys( $base_struc ); foreach ( $p_keys as $p_key ) { if ( !empty( $date_str_parts[$p_key] )) { $date_elements[$base_struc[$p_key]] = $date_str_parts[$p_key]; } else return false; } // print_r($date_elements); // for testing if (array_key_exists('M', $date_elements)) { $Mtom=array( "Jan"=>"01", "Feb"=>"02", "Mar"=>"03", "Apr"=>"04", "May"=>"05", "Jun"=>"06", "Jul"=>"07", "Aug"=>"08", "Sep"=>"09", "Oct"=>"10", "Nov"=>"11", "Dec"=>"12", ); $date_elements['m']=$Mtom[$date_elements['M']]; } // print_r($date_elements); // for testing $dummy_ts = mktime( $date_elements['m'], $date_elements['d'], $date_elements['Y'] ); return date( $date_format2, $dummy_ts ); } //Returning Last Day of any given month to help in exh. period and resolving the MMYY PO number equivelent. // Take an integer month and year and returns the date of the last day in MM/DD/YY format function lastDay($month, $year){ $lastDay; $longMonths = array(1,3,5,7,8,10,12); // Months that end in 31 $shortMonths = array(4,6,9,11); // Months that end in 30 if(in_array($month,$longMonths)) $lastDay=31; else if(in_array($month, $shortMonths)) $lastDay=30; else if($month==2){ // February, check for leap year if(date('L',mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year))==1 ) $lastDay = 29; else $lastDay =28; } return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$month,$lastDay,$year)) . " 23:59:59"; } function firstDay($month, $year){ return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$month,01,$year)) . " 00:00:00"; } //Status Code Resolved function StatusCode_Resolved($sdcode) { $SDNames = array('SD1','SD2','SD3','SD4','SD5','SD16','SD7'); $SDLabels = array('Draft Order','Order Posted','Order Approved','Lab Recieved','Materials Delivered','Closed','Voided'); for($i = 0;$i < count($SDNames);$i++) { if($sdcode==$SDNames[$i]){ return $SDLabels[$i]; } else { return "Not Found"; } } } function ShortenText($text,$chars) { if(strlen($text) > ($chars -3)){ $text = $text." "; $text = substr($text,0,$chars); $text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,' ')); $text = $text."..."; } return $text; } ?>
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function dates_display() in /home/ijj1kpif5p27/public_html/_targetmarketeer/news-article.php:146
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /home/ijj1kpif5p27/public_html/_targetmarketeer/news-article.php on line 146